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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown


Dear Parents/Guardians and Friends

It is my pleasure to invite you to our school website, thank you for visiting.

Fáilte go dtí suíomh idirlín Bhunscoil Eoin Baiste.

Welcome to St John the Baptist PS’s school website.

Our aim is to celebrate the achievements and talents of our children and to inform you and the entire community about everything we do in school for the boys and girls.

Please consider downloading the Schools NI app which will enable you to receive notifications from us.

Should you have any questions please contact us in school; we welcome any enquiries and will do our utmost to respond as quickly as we can.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

Mr J McComb

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19th Jul 2024
We are delighted to announce that we have teamed up with Tír na nÓg...
15th Jul 2024
As a school community, we extend our best wishes to our former pupil, Oisín...
3rd Jul 2024
Hello boys and girls and families.We hope you are all having a wonderful summer so...

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25 Bliain ag Fás

Tá Bunscoil Eoin Baiste 25 bliain ar an fhód i mbliana. Leis an chomóradh seo a cheiliúradh, dhear Spóirt Mhic Íomhair geansaí agus léine phóló ar leith dúinn. Is féidir iad a ordú tríd an nasc thíos.

We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Bunscoil this year. To mark the occasion, a specially commissioned jersey and a polo shirt have been designed by McKeever Sports. These can be ordered on the following portal:


Polo Shirt £17 (Youth) £21.60 (Adult)

Jersey £23 (Youth) £30 (Adult)


Online Learning

Below are online learning links which we intend using throughout the course of this school year. Our pupils will be issued with digital passports detailing their usernames and passwords which are required for the various sites.

Our online learning journey is going to be like any journey, very exciting but sometimes stressful! We all having varying degrees of Wifi coverage, device usage and technological skills but we will work together to ensure that our pupils reach their online learning destination.   


Accelerated Reading is our online reading tool which monitors and evaluates the reading skills of our pupils.
Google Classroom is our online learning platform between home and school. See the Google Classroom login directions in our News section.
Mathletics is an award-winning online maths program used to help students learn maths in an engaging and fun way.

Gives children access to school documents and apps including Newsdesk. Children require their C2K Username & password to access this (e.g. username: joebloggs192 password: password).

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