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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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🤩 Celebration Time 🤩

8th Nov 2024

We held three key stage assemblies today. Our student council opened proceedings with a particularly well delivered piece about next week being anti-bullying week. They described what bullying was - online and in person, what the children should do if they thought they were being bullied and how we can mark events next week. We have all agreed to wear odd socks to illustrate that we are all different and we will complete a competition with our teachers. Entries will include anti-bullying posters.

We also had the pleasure of making our usual awards. Included were:

Our Pupils of the Month

Our You've Been Framed by Mr McComb awards

Our attendance award 

Our achievements in Mathletics

Our house system points

Our Irish speakers of the month; like last month, the Irish speaker award included a child who used his Irish frequently but who wasn't a member of our bunscoil!

It was a very enjoyable and very busy set of assemblies!