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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Healthy Kidz Live PE Lessons

4th Feb 2021

As you are aware, we have been fortunate to receive funding from TADA RSN to enable Healthy Kidz to host live PE lessons across all year bands.

We are particularly delighted to have secured provision to help promote pupils' health and well-being.

In participating in these live Zoom lessons there is an expectation that all parents/guardians are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions set out by Healthy Kidz which are as follows:

  1. By clicking on link, parents give permission for pupil to attend
  2. Mute all microphones; coach will unmute only where necessary
  3. No pupils are permitted to use the ‘chat’ message function
  4. Use of cameras are optional; parents to give consent (It is easier for the coach if the camera is on) 
  5. Most importantly of all, work hard and Enjoy!!

We have been made aware of background conversations which can be heard by our pupils and their parents, therefore, please ensure your device is on MUTE at all times.

Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.