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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Súilóid an Earraigh

17th Apr 2021

Chuaigh R1/2 ar shúilóid an Earraigh chun comharthaí an Earraigh a aimsiú. Chonaic muid bachlóga agus bláthanna ag fás ar na crainn agus chuala muid na héin ag ceol go binn.

R1/2 went for a Spring walk recently and found that Spring had definitely sprung! They saw new leaves and blossom growing on the trees and they heard the birds singing sweetly. They found lots of Spring flowers and even found baby trees growing. We are going to revisit the saplings over the next few months to monitor how they are growing. There was lots of investigating but we saved some time at the end for springtime fun!