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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
School Closed [10th February 2025] | School Closed [11th February 2025] | School Closed [12th February 2025] | School Closed [13th February 2025] | Non-Uniform Day for Children's Mental Health Week [7th February 2025] On Friday, February 7th, we will have a non-uniform day and participate in ‘no-pen Friday’. We kindly ask that children bring in a minimum donation of £1. Thank you for your support!
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Our Aims

Our Aim is to provide an educational experience within a caring community in accordance with our Catholic Faith.  

Specifically we aim:

  1. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which fulfils the requirements of the Northern Ireland Education Order;  
  2. To develop each individual child spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically, so that by realising his/her potential he/she can have an appreciation of his/her self-worth;
  3. To promote and maintain the Catholic ethos of the school whilst  developing respect and tolerance for other creeds;
  4. To establish and maintain acceptable forms of behaviour within a secure and well-ordered school environment by encouraging self-discipline and mutual respect for all members of the school community;
  5. To foster a positive attitude and help develop a challenging, resourceful  and  independent approach to learning;
  6. To promote a positive sense of self-worth and self-esteem in each pupil and teacher;
  7. To encourage our parents to play a supportive role in the life of the school;
  8. To teach children to be aware of and to take care of their environment;
  9. To develop in our pupils, skills, attitudes and values necessary for adult life.

Catholic Education - The Vision

Catholic Education takes place in communities inspired by the Spirit of Christ. Christ’s commandment to love God and neighbour inspires a caring ethos which is expressed in relationships within and beyond Catholic schools.

Catholic Education is person-centred.  It promotes the dignity, self-esteem and full development of each person who is made in God’s image and uniquely loved by God.

Catholic Education is inclusive.  It is respectful of, and engages with people of all beliefs; it encourages the religious development of all in their own faith. 

Catholic Education is rooted in the Gospel values of Respect for Life, Love, Solidarity, Truth and Justice; it aims to harmonise faith and culture, build a better society and pursue the Common Good.

Together, Catholic Schools provide high quality, rounded education for all young people, so that they develop their full uniqueness and potential. 


In Catholic Schools the person and message of Christ find expression in: 

  • Communities of Faith, Service, Prayer and Worship;             
  • The development of each person’s full potential in a climate of joy, freedom, respect, challenge, co-operation and celebration;             
  • The enrichment of pupil life – intellectual, physical, spiritual, moral, social and emotional;
  • The promotion of a spirit of charity, social justice, global awareness and concern for others leading to practical outreach and partnerships;             
  • A culture of tolerance where people of diverse identities are recognised, welcomed, respected and cherished;
  • Listening, mutual understanding, trust, reconciliation, healing and peace;
  • The preparation of pupils to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives which will contribute to the Common Good.


Proclaiming the Mission – The Distinctive Philosophy and Values of Catholic Education, The Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland, (Ara Coeli, Armagh 2001);

Building Peace Shaping the Future, The Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland, (Ara Coeli, Armagh 2001)

Life to the Full: A Vision for Catholic Education. CCMS Council for Catholic Maintained Schools. (Veritas1996)